Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Signs" not your common meaning

Many may believe that it is possible to express how one feels using words, (language). But the direct opposite has been discovered, due to the fact that when one says the word love, for example, to their friend they may interpret a boyfriend, hearts, and happiness, but deception, abuse, and lying may come to mind of the other person. After leaving a writing for mass media class on February 2, over twenty students discovered that using signs allows the same message to be conveyed to all.

A simple :) is easily recognized as a symbol for happiness and <3 is widely known as love to text and instant message feins.

When the Comm 111 class watched a video about a love story, where two people only used signs to express their feelings and thoughts, the main idea that symbols/signs are interpreted and viewed the same to others was supported. This video was fascinating as it showed the viewer that there is actually no need to have to speak one word to someone. Instead through drawings, symbols, expression on ones face and body language a message, thought or feeling can be shown to another human being.

As I left class on the morning of February 2, I found myself taking in someones smile, confused expression, and angered face more than usual. Although these students are not using words, it is easily recognized behind each and every expression on this campus there is a story that brought about such feelings upon their face.

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