Sunday, February 14, 2010

All About Me

On July 8, 1990, I Fallon Katherine Keating was born at 1:15 a.m. missing my grandfather's birthday by one hour and fifteen minutes. My mother decided on the name Fallon from a hit soap opera "Dynasty" and Katherine after her grandmother. My parents had a challenge ahead of them, both being recent graduated seniors of high school and now having a newborn at age 18. However, my parents have been with one another since 8th grade and have proven to me that love at first sight is possible. My only other sibling Eddy was born July 16th, 1997 and is seven years younger than me. I have lived in North Haven, CT my entre life. Nothing ever happens in town except for the occasional person being pulled over for speeding.

Since I was six I have always loved butterflys. My cousins father passed away in a car accident when she was just five years old and her mother told us that he was now a butterfly in heaven. That story fascinated me and I have continued to always find butterflys as a symbol of beauty and peace. Also, Januarary of my sophmore year in high school my cousin who was also my godson passed away at 5 months due to CHD (congenital heart disease). When Liam passed away the quote "Live.Love.Laugh" became important to my family and I along with "It's not about about the number of years you've lived, it's about the number of lives you've touched during that time."

I absolutely love the summer and being by my pool with my family and best friends. The simplicity of a hotdog and hambuger along with potato salad makes me happy. Starbucks iced mocha's are my favorite drink and a bacon, egg and cheese is my favorite meal for breakfast. Listening to music while getting ready with my roomate is my highlight of the evening on the weekends. Reading relaxes me, as does baths, and riding in the car alone where I find I do most of my thinking. Hiking and fishing with my dad is one of my favorite pastimes where I can spend time alone with him and usually learn facts about the wildlife around me. Laying in bed watching movies with my mom is what comforts me the most, she is my world and more. My mother was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in March of 2009 and has caused me to become active in MS organizations.

If you ask any of my friends they would most likely tell you that I am in love with my dog. Niko is an overweight black lab that I have nick named "Shadow." When I am home from college Niko is constantly at my side whether I am outside, walking around the house, or at the kitchen table. All 110 pounds of him sleeps on my legs every night or he is right at my side snoring in my face.

Over the past five years I've discovered more and more that I am terrified of flying in airplanes. Also, heights and spiders are the other two fears that I have. Little dogs tend to annoy me even though I am one of the biggest animal lovers one could meet.

Overall, family is the most important thing to me in life. A strong family bond and having a support system is something I feel I have always benefited from. Having morals and a genuine personality is something that I hope to pass down to my children.

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