Monday, February 8, 2010

The Net-Newsers of Society

In today's society it is not all uncommon to see the person sitting next to you on their cell phone checking e-mail, reading sports scores on espn or googling for information. It has become clear over the last ten years and even more recently that just watching the news on t.v. is becoming quite outdated. There are numerous tech-savy consumers in the world that make it obvious that the simplicity of using the internet to get immediate information is most beneficial.

I identify myself as a "Net-Newsers" type of consumer. My daily routine consists of waking up and checking the weather for the day on right from my blackberry. I continuously receive e-mails from my college, Roger Williams University updating me on the latest information occurring on campus. Most recently I have found myself googling any information I need when a computer is not available at hand from my blackberry, whether it be a phone number on or the directions to a local restaurant. At the end of the day is common to see me on my laptop reading the latest headlines on yahoo or watching E! to hear the latest gossip about Hollywood celebrities.

Everyone in society craves the instant gratification given from the accessibility of the internet. Numerous "Net-Newsers" are from the crowd of a younger generation. However, slowly over the past few years it has been noticed that some of the baby boomer generation has become extremely tech-savy to keep up with today's common norms of the media.

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