Monday, February 22, 2010

Freshman Year Through Kasey Quinn's Eyes

In late August of 2008 Kasey Quinn arrived at Roger Williams University not knowing what to expect. She was not attending her first choice college, Quinnipiac University where she had been weight listed. Never the less Kasey was comforted knowing she was only forty-five minutes away from her family in Stoughton, MA.

Kasey recalls the, “sense of excitement and nervousness” that began to overtake her as she pulled into campus. She was finally going to be on her own attending a school that she knew she was going to greatly benefit from. However, she was not satisfied with how things were
going to start off.

Kasey had a strong desire to live in Willow her freshman year, but had been outraged and disappointed when she received an e-mail a few weeks before arriving at Roger Williams not only stating that she was going to be living in Cedar, but she would also be in a forced triple. Kasey’s fear was soon proven when she realized she did not get along with her third roommate, “I did not get along with my third roommate
at all, she was crazy. She was a hypochondriac and anytime my roommate or I would get sick she would go home until we “sterilized” the room. Also, she had an obsession with baskets. Every time she would go home she would bring back another basket, to the point that I could not get down from my top bunk without stepping on one of her baskets, “ she said. Kasey was ecstatic when her roommate moved in to
a single just two months in to the school year. “Those two months felt like the longest period of my life.”

In spite of this Kasey was relieved to acquire an amazing friendship with her other roommate, who surprisingly was a friend she made at orientation just two months prior to attending Roger Williams.

Throughout the course of first semester Kasey found herself adapting to her new surroundings without any problems, except the occasional feeling of being homesick. “I found it easy I think that the small class sizes and great group of people I lived around made it much easier. I was also really close with my RA and she helped a lot,” she said. Kasey was also relieved that she was able to juggle her school work and job in the athletic training room, which she has substituted
for the mail room this year.

When it came down to it Kasey loved those warm windless days at Roger Williams, “My favorite thing to do at RWU is when it’s warm to just walk down to the water with friends. It is so beautiful and the campus just has this feeling of happiness when the weather is nice.” Kasey did realize one thing about the student body that she did not care for at Roger Williams, the lack of excitement of going to sports games.
“I really do enjoy RWU I just never realized that it would bother me not having big sports teams so if I could change anything I wished we had a better athletic department or at least a football team.”

Overall Kasey greatly enjoyed her freshman year at Roger Williams. Although there were some hardships during her first few months at school she was able to overcome them with the guidance of her RA and new family from Cedar 4North.